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The Paulskirche (St. Paul’s church). 

The national assembly, installed inside there in May 1848, was the first free elected popular representation of all Germans (without considering the existing restrictions like the exclusion of an underclass’s part or the missing right of vote for women). 

“The law is no respecter of persons” or “Everyone has the right to freely manifest his opinion by speaking, writing or drawing”. These sentences of the actual constitution are nearly literally the same written during the Paulskirche’s assembly. 

That assembly wanted to create a constitutional monarchy, the Reich, but nobody knew who should be the king or the emperor. Thus the constitution, which arose in 1848/49 and was even a good one, remained unrealised. The German unification could not also be prepared, because there was still no base for this realm. 

Only in 1871 Bismarck succeeded in creating the first German Reich.